Tag Archives: outdoor entrance

Making An Entrance

Our new entrance through the kitchen is almost finished. Look at this substantial block of concrete! I think our contractor, Darrin Brooks of K & G Construction in Grover Beach, borrowed it from the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant up the road. The steel poles are anchors for a new wooden fence that will close off the back yard and offer privacy from the house next door.

IMG_1340The steps had to be this tall because the floor sits high off the ground…

DSC_0055One of the odd features we’ve noticed in many homes of the period is that the backyards were ignored. Ours is a huge space that was not used properly. Previously the only way back there was through a bedroom. It was an awkward layout, not at all suitable for modern living and entertaining. Adding an egress through a public space like the kitchen makes the space much more livable, and increases resale potential.


Speaking of the backyard, we just had the dead brush and trees cleaned out. It looks a little barren right now, but it’s a wonderful blank canvas for an outdoor living and entertaining space.
